Mortgage Delinquency Rate Down

The overall mortgage delinquency rate across Georgia and the rest of the US fell to 4.1% in July of this year, down over half a point from the previous July. The rates of serious mortgage delinquencies-- those mortgage accounts 90 day or more past due-- fell to 1.6%, the lowest rates in over twelve years. Analysts expect further declines in the delinquency rates if unemployment rates remain low around the country, with the exception of areas impacted by recent hurricanes, including the Florida panhandle, the Carolinas, and parts of Texas.

Buying or refinancing a home in metro Atlanta or anywhere else in the state of Georgia?  Contact Peachtree Mortgage Services, Inc. to discuss our home mortgage loans and low mortgage interest rates.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.